What is

The Digital Innovation Hub of Navarra, within the framework of the Digital Europe programme, has been selected by the European Commission to form part of the first network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs).

This incorporation allows IRIS to act as a catalyst for digital transformation by offering its specialized services in Artificial Intelligence, Supercomputing and Personalized Precision Medicine to companies and public entities both at a regional, national and European level.

About us

The IRIS Consortium is chaired by the Government of Navarra, and the most relevant players in the region’s innovation ecosystem participate, including universities, technology and research centers, ICT providers, professional associations, and sectoral business associations and clusters.

Specifically, IRIS EDIH is made up of 23 entities (two of them as affiliated entities), as providers of advanced digitization services of a singular nature and complementary to those commercially available, fully aligned with the European Digital Program, the Digital Navarra 2030 strategy, the Customize Navarra and the S4 regional specialization strategy. These entities are:


  • Accelerate the Digital Transformation of SMEs in Navarra, as well as increase the industrial competitiveness of the region through digitization.
  • Promote the development of the public administrations of Navarra towards a greater degree of digitization, positioning Navarra as the European leader in MPP in 2030 as included in the Digital Strategy 2030 and in the Comprehensive Strategy for Personalized Medicine of Navarra (Personaliza Navarra).
  • Promote a greater knowledge of the technologies that allow an advanced digital society.
  • Lead technological progress generating research and innovation of excellence based on digital technologies.
  • Contribute to the development of business entrepreneurship in all its stages.
  • Facilitate and develop collaborations with other European regions and other leading hubs.

Technological specialties

Artificial intelligence


Personalized Precision Medicine


IRIS European Digital Innovation Hub of Navarra offers, without profit, a set of infrastructures, advice, training, spaces and high-value services to facilitate innovation and digitization of SMEs, the administration and society. This digital transformation directly influences the increase in the competitiveness of the industry, the progress towards a greater degree of digitization of public entities, and ultimately, the contribution to improving the well-being of society.

The main asset of IRIS are its partners, who contribute by providing a comprehensive offer of services in line with the challenges of the industries, and complementary to existing commercial services.

The collaboration of IRIS EDIH with other national and European EDIHs facilitates and allows companies access to the best practices and digital trends and the latest technologies at a regional, national and European level.

The European Commission provides 50% of the financing through the DIGITAL Program, and the other 50% is contributed by the member states and/or their regions.

Service catalog

IRIS EDIH services are structured into different categories, adapting to the needs of companies based on their sector and level of digital maturity.

  • Experimentation and trial led by AIN
  • Training and talent led by UPNA
  • Access to Financing led by Cámara Navarra
  • Access to innovation, entrepreneurship and networking ecosystems led by CEIN
  • Personalized precision medicine through digitization led by UNAVCatálogo de servicios

Service catalog

Event presentation of the services

Infrastructures and equipment


IRIS Lab is the area designed to connect the supply and demand for regional digitization, under a single window concept. It is currently in the project phase and will be located in the El Sario building of the UPNA. It will have infrastructures, equipment and spaces for experimentation, networking and demonstration (around 1200 m2).

SIESS, Shared System of Scientific Equipment and Infrastructures, was created in 2017 with the support of the Government of Navarra and represents a cooperative initiative aimed at increasing knowledge and promoting the shared use of available scientific infrastructures and equipment among R&D agents. +i from Navarre.

SIESS already has more than 1,200 equipment and infrastructures shared by 12 entities, of which close to 100 are classified and labeled for digital transformation.

Alliances and collaborations

EDIHs combine the benefits of a regional presence with the opportunities available from a pan-European network of more than 200 hubs. Navarra participates in more than 80 initiatives, projects and networks at a European and national level.

Region EDIH Technology Fields Application Fields
New Aquitaine – Euskadi – Navarra Euroregional European DIHs (DIHNAMIC, IRIS, BDIH) IA Health and manufacturing
Valencia INNDROMEDA Robotics and BigData Health and manufacturing
Cantabria DIH Cantabria Supercomputing and Mass Sequencing Health
New Aquitaine EDIH DIHNAMIC IA, Big data y robótica Health and manufacturing
Emilia Romagna ER2Digit (Emilia Romagna) IA y HPC Health and manufacturing
Karlsruhe EDIH Karlsruhe – Digital Hub applied AI/de:hub IA, robótica y supercomputación (HPC) Salud, automoción y mecatrónica, fabricación avanzada
North Brabant Smart Industry Hub South Netherlands IA, robótica Fabricación avanzada, sensores y materiales, cadenas de suministro conectadas digitalmente
Maribor Digital Innovation Hub UM (Universidad de Maribor) Big data e IA Salud, fabricación avanzada, energías renovables y alimentación
Tampere SIX EDIH IA, Robótica, HPC Fabricación avanzada y fabricación sostenible para una industria circular y neutra en carbono, máquinas inteligentes para el transporte autónomo

Promovido por :

Coordinado por :

Financiado por :

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Programme under grant agreement No 101083411. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union (DGCNECT). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

Cofinanciado por :

IRIS EDIH esta financiado por la Unión Europea (Next Generation EU) a través del Programa de Apoyo a los Digital Innovation Hubs (PADIH)

Coordinadora de proyecto:

Andrea Urrecho Bujo
Responsable de Innovación Digital


+34 948 29 31 30 | +34 648 83 84.37