ADItech, SINAI Coordinator, owns the property rights of the web domain (, as well as the elements contained therein.

This document regulates the use of the service that the Navarra Digital Innovation Hub, managed by ADItech, provides to Internet users. The use of this website implies acceptance of these conditions, which may be modified by ADItech at any time.

Data Protection

ADItech undertakes to treat all data provided by visitors to the Navarra Digital Innovation Pole website with complete confidentiality. Any data will be included in a file kept with due confidentiality and security in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13.

The user may at any time access their data, modify or cancel them, and this may be done by email to

Intellectual property

This website and its contents are protected by Spanish and international laws on Intellectual and Industrial property.

The total or partial reproduction of this website without the express written permission of ADItech is expressly prohibited.


Information Law 34/2002

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society, the general information data of this website are:

  • ADItech
  • Registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Department of Economy and Finance of the Government of Navarra, No. 318.
  • Addressed at C/ Tajonar, 20 – 31006 Pamplona (Navarra) – Spain.
  • Email:


Information regarding the use of the contact address offered on the website

Sending an email using the contact addresses that appear on the page implies the express consent of the user for the use by ADItech of their email address in order to respond to their query by sending an email as follows: such as, where appropriate, to give you a response by another means of electronic communication equivalent to email.


Copyright and industrial property rights clause

It corresponds to ADItech, the exclusive exercise of copyright relating to this website and any act of distribution or public communication, reproduction or total or partial storage, must be carried out with the prior consent of those responsible for ADItech.

This web page contains links (links) to other web pages managed by third parties. The purpose of these links is to provide users with other existing sources of information on the network that may be of interest to them. ADItech is in no way responsible for the information referenced in these links, so the user accesses the content under their sole responsibility and in the conditions of use that govern them.

ADItech does not guarantee that this website will always be operational, nor that its contents will be complete or exact on a permanent basis.

ADItech is not responsible for damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use or information described on this website.

Therefore, ADItech reserves the right to modify the specifications of the products and services on this website.